"it's a great way to get more fans by trading promotions with other bands. I'm already on the site, so get on it and we can run some promotions together. Sign up now and we'll both get 1x Band Bucks for every social media fan you already have!"
Get Recommended to Millions of New Fans, Free
Watch "How It Works"
For the first time ever, Headliner lets you reach new music lovers on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace without making them Like, Follow or Friend you first. On Headliner, artists who make music similar to yours recommend you directly to their fans in their newsfeeds and timelines on Facebook, Twitter and other social platforms – for free.
So, Here’s How It Works
Get Recommended
Sign Up for Headliner and join over 100k musicians, singers, DJs and MCs. On Headliner, other artists recommend you to their fans on Facebook, Twitter and MySpace.
Reach New Fans
When other artists recommend you they re-tweet and post your message to their fans in their news feed. No longer do you have to get new likes or followers to reach new fans. Headliner allows you to reach more new fans than ever before.
Artists Helping Artists
Recommend artists you like and earn Band BucksTM which you can use to reach new fans free! Headliner is all about artists helping artists reach new fans.
Still want to know more?
See our case studies to see how other artists have successfully used Headliner.
@chaneyband @JayJayasuriya
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