Do you have any Unclaimed Property? Find out how you can look it up and get it back!

I just found that they owe $141. Go over to to find out how much you can get and be sure to use the .org address not the .com


More info: (The amounts change for other states)

The Official State of Texas Unclaimed Property Web Site

One in four Texans has unclaimed property from forgotten bank accounts, uncashed checks, security deposits and utility refunds. It’s your money, and we want you to get it back.

Texas is currently holding more than $2.2 billion in cash and other valuables waiting for the rightful owners to claim. It’s never too late to make a claim, and we are committed to ensuring hardworking Texans don’t lose a penny.


In 2010, the state returned more than $163 million to its owners. Find out what you may have been missing by searching our unclaimed property database.

