2011 Community Awards & Gala


CAI Austin is proud to announce the first annual Community Awards Gala.  This exciting event is scheduled for December 9, 2011 at the Stephen F. Austin Hotel.  Please make sure to mark your calendars!  We are excited to recognize communities from all over the greater Austin area in a variety of award categories.


Friday, December 9, 2011, Stephen F. Austin Hotel, 701 Congress Ave, 78701, 888-424-6835. Use this link for map and directions >>

6:00-7:15pm - Our Gala Event will begin with a reception in the 7th Terrace area with appetizers and cash bar. Be sure to stop by the Gala Event Registration Table to sign in and pick up your dinner and drink tickets first. Music provided by ...

7:30-7:45pm - Please be seated in the Capital Ballroom and Terrace. Dinner service begins.

7:45-8:00pm - Welcome. Annual sponsor's appreciation ceremony.

8:00-9:15pm - The Awards Program with master of ceremonies Larry J. Pothast, PCAM. Our program will include award presentations to associations and individuals in 10 areas of excellence.

9:15-10:30pm - Entertainment and dancing. Music provided by Reunion - The Party BandHere's a link to their music, videos and more >>

Beginning November 1st, register yourself and guests here >>
You may also elect to purchase the DIRECTOR'S SPECIAL - A premium table location reserved for 8 guests in your company's name at an additional cost of $500.

Also ...

A block of rooms has been reserved for this event should you wish to spend the night at the special rate. Call the hotel at 512-457-8800. Select "0" for Receptionist and ask for the Reservation Desk. Tell them you would like to reserve one of the hotel rooms reserved for Community Associations Instititue's Gala Event on 12/9. Rates begin at $159/night for a King. Parking is an additional $26 for overnight valet parking.


More Detailed info@ http://www.caiaustinevents.org/2011awards/
