White Wine - The One Thing You Thought You Knew About Wine may be wrong
via askmen.com
People often misjudge white wine by assuming its flavors are less complex than those of red wine. While white wine can be refreshing on a hot, sunny afternoon by the beach, these luscious blonds can also be the highlight of an evening by showing off their multiple personalities, tastes and styles. From crisp to creamy, light to full, white wine is sexy and very food-friendly. Here are a few white options that will help spearhead your journey into the multifaceted land of bianco. So if the one thing you thought you knew about white wine was that it was somehow less manly or complex than red, well, we're here to unburden you of that misconception.
Read more: http://www.askmen.com/fine_living/wine_dine_archive_500/505_white-wine.html#i...